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This donation page is devoted to our Oxfam America Pledge Partners who would like to make a secure, tax-deductible online gift.

Thanks to our Pledge Partners and other supporters, Oxfam is one of the most effective international relief and development organizations in the world. With your ongoing support, you are contributing toward positive change in the world – every month. Your regular contributions help to sustain hundreds of critical, community-led programs that enable people to overcome poverty, protect their rights, and survive humanitarian disasters. Thank you for your generous support of Oxfam America's work!

To make a gift, simply fill out the fields below. Your contribution will automatically be associated with your giving records and included in your year-end tax receipt for the calendar year.

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To change your existing Pledge Partner information, please use our Change Form or please read our Pledge Program FAQ for answers to our most commonly received questions. Or simply renew your monthly pledge now!

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